Episode 125

Published on:

11th Jul 2021

Jodi Krangle - Inside the Life of a Successful Voice Actor

This week we are joined by voice actor, singer, and podcaster Jodi Krangle. Jodi has been a voice actor for over 20 years and shares what skills voice actors possess, various techniques voice actors employ, and how people can get into the industry. Jodi is passionate about music and other forms of audio and also shares how sound impacts a variety of senses beyond hearing.

Music by Misha Zarins.

Show Links: 

Jodi's Website: voiceoversandvocals.com

Jodi's LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jodikrangle

Jodi's Facebook: facebook.com/jodikrangle

Misha YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf1hf_KEOaqnq3q6Yb3_hbw

Walkshow Website: https://thewalkshowpodcast.com/

Walkshow Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheWalkshowPod

Walkshow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_walkshow/

Walkshow Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewalkshow/

Walkshow Email: walker@thewalkshowpodcast.com

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About the Podcast

The Walkshow
The Walkshow spreads love through exploring the walk of life.
The Walkshow spreads love through exploring the walk of life. Great variety in conversations and topics with music baked into the listen.

About your host

Profile picture for Walker Neer

Walker Neer

I am from Springfield, Mo which is where I currently reside. I started The Walkshow in 2019 after some encouragement from friends. I am inspired by a love of interviews, curiosity, and a passion for conversation.